Thursday, December 31, 2009

Frozen Missouri

I took this quick pic of a few hard core black ducks and hooded mergansers clinging to what little open water the bitter cold Missouri offers this time of year. This was shot with my Kodak Z712 point and shoot. ISO-64, f/4.5 for 1/500 sec at 21mm focal length. Contrast bumped up slightly in post edit to make the back ground trees pop a bit against the snow.

Cold Iron

By converting this original to black and white in post editing I was able to further capture the chill of this day. At 3 degrees it was a crisp morning and the contast of the iron bridge and fresh snow in B&W really has the visual of frigidness.
This was with Canon 50d with Sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens, f/11, ISO-200 for 1/160 sec and 20mm focal length.

Grand Union Hotel

The beautiful Grand Union Hotel in Fort Benton. I used Canon 50D camera with Sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens. ISO-200 f/11 for 1/50 sec at focal length of 20mm. Contrast increased slightly in post edit. You just can not beat the character of these large old brick buildings.

Old Fort Benton Bridge

This shot was taken on a crisp calm 3 degree day. This is the old Fort Benton Bridge which now is used for foot traffic to enjoy the Missouri river. I used Canon 50D with Sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens. ISO-200, f/11 for 1/160 sec at 20mm focal length.