Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Wanted to capture the reflection of the court house in this store front window.....turned out pretty good.


Tulip bud. Taken with Canon 50D and Sigma 70mm macro lens. f/11, 1/200 sec exposure and ISO-200 at 70mm focal length.


Bee on flowers...just had to snag a shot. f/11, 1/125 sec exposure, ISO-200 at 178mm focal length. Taken off hand.


Love the stark blue this shot provided. Taken downtown Great Falls, MT. Canon 50D with Sigma 18-250mm lens. f/11, 1/125 sec exposure and ISO-100 at 35mm focal length.

The Storm

Heading through Heart Butte, MT and drove into this storm front. The setting sun behind and the storm directly in front created this unique contrast band of bright and dark....toss in a double rainbow and you get a great photo op.


Lake McDonald from the East shore. During the winter and early spring the lake levels are very low in Glacier(until the snow melts off the mountains). This makes for great shot opportunities along the extended shores. I took this shot using Canon 50D with Sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens. With the sun nearly directly behind me the water appears to be lit up almost by flash(unexpected surprise). Kneeling at the water edge a feeling of being in the lake is created and the submerged rocks add a splash of color in the foreground. f/20, 1/80 sec exposure, ISO-100 at 10mm focal length from Slik Lighty Pod III monopod.

Natural Beauty

This shot was taken along a stream along Hwy 2 near South West Glacier National Park. The various rock colorations made for a n eye catching subject. I used Canon 50D camera with Sigma 18-250mm DC OS HSM lens. f/16, 1/25sec exposure, ISO-100 at 28mm with sunlight white balance setting. Shot off hand. Contrast adjusted in post editing.