This American Avocet was feeding in a little pool of standing water just off the road. I used Canon 50D and Sigma 150-500mm lens to snap some shots. f/8 ISO-100 for 1/250 sec exposure at 500mm focal length. Car window used as rest for this shot.
This is an old metals work factory in Great Falls, MT. I took this using Canon 50D and Sigma 18-250mm lens. f/10 ISO-100 at 1/80 sec exposure and 63mm focal length. Shot off hand.
I caught this Yellow Headed Blackbird being pestered by the swarms of little black bugs. Canon 50D and Sigma 150-500mm lens. f/6.3 ISO-200 for 1/1250 sec exposure at 500mm focal length.
This nice board walk takes you out into the marsh. About half way out you are over the water which is teaming with nesting birds and frogs and bugs. I knelt down and snapped this exaggerated view using Canon 50D camera and Sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens. f/6.3 ISO-100 for 1/400 sec exposure at 10mm focal length. Sunlight white balance and center weighted average metering.
I wanted to capture the cattails along the marshes. For this I used Canon 50D and Sigma 150-500mm lens. f/6.3 ISO-200 for 1/800 sec exposure at 500 mm focal length.
I took a trip just out of Great Falls, MT to Benton Lake Wildlife Refuge to test out my new telephoto my lovely wife bought me for getting promoted(Thanks Hun). I snapped this Marbled Godwit using Canon 50D camera and Sigma 150-500mm DG OS Super Telephoto. f/6.3 ISO-200 and 1/400 sec exposure at 500mm focal length. Sunlight white balance and center weighted average metering. Truck window made for a good rest on this shot.
I was taking shots below Black Eagle Dam in Great Falls, MT when I was treated with a pair of feeding Pelicans in the rough falls. This one kept taking off only to land twenty yards off then float back into the wash. I took the chance to catch a take off by opening the lens up and bumping the shutter speed up. Taken with Canon 50D and Sigma 150-500mm DG OS super telephoto lens. f/6.3 ISO 200 at 1/640 sec exposure and 500mm focal length. Sunlight white balance and center weighted average metering. Shot using Slik Lighty POD III mono pod.
I visit the major dams often along the Missouri near Great Falls, MT. These are the falls at Rainbow Dam. May and June are the peak flow periods due to the snow melt from the mountains as well as spring rains. This was taken using Canon 50D and Sigma 18-250mm lens. f/13 ISO-200, 1/250 sec exposure at 31mm focal length. Sun light whitebalance and center weighted average metering. Shot using Slik Lighty POD III mono pod.
I love the architecture of churches and take many pics of them while out and about. This cathedral in Kalispell, MT was not less gothic and more castle like. Shot with Canon 50D and Sigma 18-250mm lens. f/9 ISO-100 for 1/640 sec at 50mm focal lengh. Sunlight white balance setting and center weighted average. Shot off hand.
I love taking pics of the many metal staircases on the old brick buildings around town. This one was taken in Kalispell, MT. I shot this using Canon 50D camera and Sigma 18-250mm lens. f/9, ISO-100 for 1/30 sec exposure at 18mm. Contrast and colors enhanced in post editing to get the dramatic firey orange of the brick.