Thursday, July 9, 2009

I decided to start this blog just as an avenue for posting pictures for family and friends to view. I do a great deal of picture taking while enjoying outdoor activities so to avoid clogging up emails I figure this is a more convenient way to get them out for everyone to see.

I started years ago with a 35mm SLR and still do a little shooting with the two I have. Then as time moved on we ended up with a couple decent point and shoot digitals around the house before my wife got the itch for a a Canon digi-Rebel XT. It was arrived and I instantly stole it and built a basic set up with the addition of some lenses. I shot with it for over a year and a half before itching to upgrade a little. I ended up getting a Canon 50D in Jan. 09 and have had fun playin with it. I also use a Kodak Z712 for a small light weight camera.

I do very little if any digital editing....I will crop shots to highlight those items or areas I want to showcase and have on a few occasions enhanced colors or contrast but again it is very limited, mostly coverting color images to B&W. I prefer this method over changing the setting on the camera when shooting simply because it allows me to have a color capture as well and it is quicker to change a shot to black and white on the PC. I am still in the practice mode with camera settings, since they are vurtually endless on digital rigs, so I take many shots in the field and firuge out which worked best.

My favorite photo subjects are landscapes and things with charater like old machinary, buildings or flowers.To the displeasure of my wife, I generally do not like taking pics of people so she knocks out the kids and I when we are out and about... occasionally I'll snap some.

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